Why choose Closeoutrader

Steady Source of brand name merchandise

Small buyers can purchase small quantities of quality popular brand name merchandise at discounted price on an ongoing basis. You can purchase small case packs for tryout purposes. If you are satisfied with your purchase, you can come back and purchase more at anytime.

Small minimum order Wholesale Lots

Closeoutrader.com supplies lot sizes to fit all budgets from small case packs to full truck and container loads. You can purchase your desired wholesale lots from small case packs which are mostly created with 24-48 items per case packs, so that you can purchase them without the pressure of getting stuck with an excess inventory.

Quality brand- name merchandise anytime

Closeoutrader.com dedicated to offering our customers the best possible prices on quality brand-name merchandise. We do not purchase our inventory from foreign suppliers. We deal with direct liquidation channels in the U.S. and all merchandise offered on closeoutrader.com is 100% authentic. Each and every offer is backed up by supporting documents and/or paperwork as proof of authenticity.

Purchase items at below wholesale price

We provide the most up-to-date stock lots anytime at below wholesale price. As we have built strong relationships with major department stores in the U.S. and different suppliers who regularly liquidate products, you can have access to supplier's rapid inventory turnover and closeouts giving you the ability to gain deep discounts.

30 days return guaranteed

If you buy an item from closeoutrader.com and it is not in the condition that it was listed on our website, please return it within 30 days. Please also note some items are not eligible for any returns. Return eligibility will be displayed separately under different stock lot category. One time Deals are not eligible. Please refer to our return policy for more details.